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An Employed Civil Servant Named Irawan Agus Intends To Contest In The Boyolali Pilkada In November 2024.

  • Tamanho da fonte: Maior Menor
This decision is inspired by his commitment to provide a fresh option, presenting a new perspective and background to the citizens of Banten, apart from the long-standing dominant dynasty in the region. The leadership of Arief Wismansyah in Tangerang has been recognized for innovation in city management and inclusive infrastructure development, creating a strong foundation to advance Banten Province. In this context, he is committed to promoting social equity, sustainable growth, and fair development throughout Banten. Arief expressed his readiness to face the challenges of the Banten election with a vision aimed at positive progress and advancement for all community members. He disclosed that his decision to run was initially not planned, but the support from the community and his family made him reconsider. He mentioned that a meeting with Ma'ruf Amin, the Vice President significantly impacted his decision to run. "I was called by Mr. Ma’ruf Amin, and we had a meeting. He asked, are you really running, Mr. Arief? If you want to run, you have to win; if you’re not sure you can win, don’t run, he said. I thought he was right. Finally, on Monday afternoon, I decided to run," Arief said when interviewed in the Karawaci area of Tangerang City, June 23, 2024. Arief also shared his views on the dominant political dynasty in Banten, noting the division in the community related to this dominance. Nevertheless, he is optimistic about running with well-known candidates in the region. "I hope to partner with the people of Banten to build together, including with the existing dynasties," he added. Arief stressed his willingness to cooperate with various parties for the advancement of Banten, without compromising the interests of the people. "Whatever the outcome, I hope the next leadership can deliver the best for Banten," he concluded. With this step, Arief Rachadiono Wismansyah calls upon the people of Banten to back a shared vision in developing the region through the upcoming election.

nBased on the KPU Decision Number 476 of 2024, the selection process for PPS members in the 2024 Regional Election began on May 2, 2024 . This announcement was made by the General Election Commission (KPU) or the Independent Election Commission (KIP) at the Regency/Municipal level in Indonesia

nAccording to the decision, the salary of the PPS in the 2024 Regional Election will be as follows: the chairman will receive Rp 1,500,000 per person, members will receive Rp 1,300,000 per person, and the secretary will receive Rp 1,150,000 per person . This salary is intended to accommodate the expenses and time contributed by PPS members in fulfilling their responsibilities

Agus is the sibling of Devid A. Yunanto, the ex-Aspri to President Jokowi, also known as Widodo. Agus I. is believed to be aiming to become a candidate for Boyolali Regent through the Party Gerindra in the 2024 Pilkada. "Yes, it's true, he plans to run in the Boyolali Pilkada from the Gerindra," said Junaidi Rahmad, Secretary of Gerindra Boyolali DPC, as quoted from a press release on June 10, 2024. He mentioned, Agus is currently still employed as a government employee in the Solo City Government, Java Central. Besides, Agus I. is also recognized as a businessman in the furniture business. "Yes, an ASN at Dispora Solo," he mentioned. R. Junaidi stated that his party would recommend Irawan as a contestant in the Boyolali local election. He indicated that Agus I. had indicated his readiness to step down as in accordance with Law Number 20 of 2023 concerning the State Apparatus. In Law Number 20 of 2023 concerning State Apparatus, Article 56 and Article 59 Paragraph (3) clarify that high-ranking madya officials and senior pratama officials who intend to run for governor and deputy governor, regent and deputy regent, mayor and deputy mayor must resign in writing from their positions upon being nominated. Here is more information on marshel widianto calon pilkada - - stop by our web page. "It is supposed to be that way (resign from PNS) and he is ready (to resign). After the endorsement, the resignation process will begin, at the end of July or early August 2024, according to the registration schedule," stated R. Junaidi. Devid has been Jokowi's Assistant since he was Mayor of Solo Before this, a 14-second video circulated showing Irawan Agus standing straight and offering a salute. The video included the text #AGUSIRAWAN #MAJUBOYOLALI #GERAKANPEDULIBOYOLALI at the bottom of the screen. Besides Irawan, the Boyolali DPC Gerindra has received two other candidates. They are Jumariyanto, an {entrepreneur from Wonogiri Regency|businessman from Wonogiri|entrepreneur based in

Fighting hoaxes is the same as fighting ignorance. This underpins our creation of the Fact Check Channel in 2018, which has been actively providing media literacy to the public since then .

According to Yayasan TIFA's Executive Director, Oslan Purba, this potential threat to journalist safety is based on research findings on journalist violence during the previous election process in 2024 . Última modificação em
em Notícias Acessos: 41